Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Judith's Oil Paintings featured at upcoming show!

Many of us probably didn't know this, but Judith is an artist and her work will be appearing in a local gallery in Greenwich this coming May. Here are details on the Opening Event -- she phrased it so nicely with directions, I'm copying and pasting most of her original note to me.

I am planning on attending the opening night, Thursday, May 3. It would be great to see some other Pencils! there!

Congratulations, Judith!

Happy writing!

Six of my abstract oil paintings will be
exhibited at
the Christopher
Fischer cashmere store at
103 Greenwich
Greenwich, between May 3 and
the 28th, as part of Greenwich's
annual "Art to the Avenue" show.

Opening night is May 3rd from 5:30 to
8 p.m.
Wine, champagne and hors
d'oeuvres will be served to kick off
the show.
I will be there greeting
people and explaining my art (impossible
to do). Most of the other
featuring artists will have
refreshments too.

If you miss that night the
paintings will be on display
during the entire
month of May.

The Christopher Fischer store is next
to the CVS pharmacy and a few doors
down from Sephora.
The intersection streets
are Greenwich (one way west)
and Lewis Avenues.
A large parking lot is
behind the pharmacy.

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